In what ways is holistic grooming different from conventional grooming?

  • Holistic groomers are taught how to appropriately risk-assess their environment based on the individual needs of a dog to help them feel safe

  • Holistic groomers are shown really practical methods to increase cooperation and make the process less stressful for both the dog and themselves

  • Holistic groomers are equipped to safely handle a dog in a way that encourages and supports, rather than forces and controls

  • Holistic groomers are taught how to confidently observe, monitor and communicate with a dog to identify very early signs of stress before it escalates to a scenario leading to potential harm to the pets mental, physical or emotional state.

We know through countless scientific studies that this sort of forced handling and control only results in trauma and a suppression of emotion. It doesn’t relieve or resolve the underlying cause.

We are willing and prepared to set your pet up for success with our methods, whether they are in a confident state or on a road to trusting the process.

By offering a one-on-one scenario we are in a position to give our complete undivided attention to your pets every need.

The Desert Dog Spa is prepared to discuss every bump and stride with your pets grooming career. We will talk about the good the bad and the ugly and every transparent side of it all.

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